
Certificate in Business and Commercial Lending

The Certificate in Business and Commercial Lending focuses on financial statement analysis and commercial lending, will familiarize lenders with both audited and unaudited statements, and fill any gaps in your understanding of credit analysis and underwriting. Pre and post-tests allow seasoned lenders to test out, and more importantly, let the industry know you are “credit trained” and ready to bring in new, qualified business.

Required Courses

You must complete the following courses:

  • Understanding Business Borrowers
    • Business Sectors and Operating Cycles
    • Why Businesses Borrow
    • Business Legal Structures and Life Cycles
    • Introduction to Business Financial Statements
    • How Business Financial Statements are Constructed (Accounting Refresher)
  • Analyzing Business Financial Statements and Tax Returns
    • Income Statement Analysis
    • Balance Sheet Analysis
    • Ratio Analysis
    • Cash Flow Analysis
    • The UCA Model
    • Cash Budgets and Pro Forma Statements
  • Analyzing Personal Financial Statements and Tax Returns
    • Types of Personal Financial Statements
    • Key Ratios and Adjusted Net Worth
    • Personal Tax Returns and Cash Flow
    • Combining Business and Personal Cash Flow into Global Cash Flow
  • Qualitative Analysis and Determining a Credit Risk Rating
    • The Commercial Lending Process and Initial Business Development Calls
    • Credit Investigation and Assessing Industry, Market, and Management Risk
    • Loan Policies and Procedure, Including Credit Risk Ratings
    • Loan Packages and Credit Write-Ups
  • Loan Structuring, Documentation, Pricing and Problem Loans
    • Commercial Loan Structuring
    • Identifying Viable Secondary and Tertiary Sources of Repayment
    • Key Documents, Loan Agreements and Covenants
    • Loan Pricing and Negotiating
    • Problem Loans
The estimated time to complete all courses is approximately 33 hours. Students have access to the curriculum for 1 year from date of purchase.


 Questions? Contact for more information.